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Data dan informasi hasil pemeriksaan psikologi bila diperlukan untuk kepentingan pendidikan, data harus disajikan sebagaimana adanya dengan menyamarkan nama orang atau lembaga yang datanya digunakan.
Iklan dan Pernyataan publik yang dimaksud dalam pasal ini dapat berhubungan dengan jasa, produk atau publikasi profesional Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi di bidang psikologi, mencakup iklan yang dibayar atau tidak dibayar, brosur, barang cetakan, daftar direktori, resume pribadi atau curriculum vitae, wawancara atau komentar yang dimuat dalam media, pernyataan dalam buku, hasil seminar, lokakarya, pertemuan ilmiah, kuliah, presentasi lisan di depan publik, dan materi-materi lain yang diterbitkan.
Pernyataan tersebut harus disampaikan dengan ;. Bila mengetahui adanya pernyataan yang tergolong penipuan atau pemalsuan terhadap karya mereka yang dilakukan orang lain, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha untuk menjelaskan kebenarannya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikolog bertanggung jawab atas pengumuman, katalog, brosur atau iklan, seminar atau program non gelar yang dilakukannya.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memastikan bahwa hal yang diberitakan tersebut menggambarkan secara akurat tentang tujuan, kemampuan tentang pelatih, instruktur, supervisor dan biaya yang terkait. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam memberikan keterangan pada publik melalui media cetak atau elektronik harus berhati-hati untuk memastikan bahwa pernyataan tersebut:. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam menjelaskan kemampuan atau keahliannya harus bersikap jujur, wajar, bijaksana dan tidak berlebihan dengan memperhatikan ketentuan yang berlaku untuk menghindari kekeliruan penafsiran di masyarakat.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjunjung tinggi profesionalitas dan senantiasa terus meningkatkan kompetensinya. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi perlu dihargai dengan imbalan sesuai profesionalitas dan kompetensinya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memberitahu pihak yang bersangkutan terlebih dahulu bahwa tindakan tersebut akan dilakukan, serta memberi kesempatan untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan sebelum tindakan hukum dilakukan.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi membagi imbalan dengan profesional lain, atasan atau bawahan, pembayaran terhadap masing-masing harus berdasarkan jasa dan atau praktik yang diberikan dan sudah diatur sebelum pelaksanaan pelayanan psikologi dilakukan. Psikolog dan atau Psikologi memastikan keakuratan data dan laporan pemeriksaan psikologi kepada pembayar jasa atau sumber. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat menerima benda atau imbalan non uang dari pengguna layanan psikologi sebagai imbalan atas pelayanan psikologi yang diberikan hanya jika tidak bertentangan dengan kode etik dan pengaturan yang dihasilkan tidak eksploitatif.
Standar ini tidak membatasi pendidik atau pelatih untuk memodifikasi isi program pendidikan atau persyaratan jika dari sisi pendidikan dipandang penting atau dibutuhkan, selama peserta didik diberitahukan akan adanya perubahan dalam rangka memungkinkan mereka untuk memenuhi persyaratan pendidikan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi mengambil langkah yang tepat guna memastikan rencana pendidikan dan atau pelatihannya berdasar perkembangan kemajuan pengetahuan terkini dan sesuai dengan materi yang akan dibahas.
Hal tersebut tidak diberlakukan, kecuali jika :. Bila suatu terapi individual atau kelompok merupakan persyaratan dalam suatu program atau pengajaran, psikolog bertanggung jawab bahwa program terapi tersebut tersedia. Terapi yang disyaratkan tersebut diberikan oleh praktisi atau ahli terapi dalam bidangnya yang tidak berhubungan dengan program atau pengajaran tersebut.
Pengajar yang bertanggung jawab terhadap evaluasi dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa tidak boleh memberikan terapi yang disyaratkan. Informasi mengenai proses tersebut diberikan pada awal pengawasan.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam melaksanakan penelitian diawali dengan menyusun dan menuliskan rencana penelitian sedemikian rupa dalam proposal dan protokol penelitian sehingga dapat dipahami oleh pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi membuat desain penelitian, melaksanakan, melaporkan hasilnya yang disusun sesuai dengan standar atau kompetensi ilmiah dan etik.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memperhatikan dan bertanggung jawab atas etika penelitian dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melaporkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan atau yang dilakukan pihak lain di bawah bimbingannya. Konsultasi yang dimaksud dapat meliputi yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi dan kewenangan misalnya badan-badan resmi pemerintah dan swasta, organisasi profesi lain, komite khusus, kelompok sejawat, kelompok seminat, atau melalui mekanisme lain. Dalam hal ini termasuk izin penelitian dari instansi terkait dan dari pemangku wewenang dari wilayah dan badan setempat yang menjadi lokasi.
Pelanggaran terhadap hal ini dan adanya tindakan penyalahgunaan wewenang dapat dikenai butir pelanggaran seperti tercantum dalam pasal dan bagian-bagian lain dari Kode Etik ini misalnya pelecehan seksual dan bentuk pelecehan lain. Sebelum pengambilan data penelitian tetapi setelah memperoleh izin penelitian Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan pada calon partisipan penelitian dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana dan istilah-istilah yang dipahami masyarakat umum tentang penelitian yang akan dilakukan.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan kepada calon partisipan asas kesediaan sebagai partisipan penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa keikutsertaan dalam penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat sukarela, sehingga memungkinkan pengunduran diri atau penolakan untuk terlibat. Partisipan harus menyatakan kesediaannya seperti yang dijelaskan pada pasal yang mengatur tentang itu. Dalam rangka mendapat persetujuan dari calon partisipan, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan proses penelitian.
Secara lebih terinci informasi yang penting untuk disampaikan adalah :. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan sifat dari penelitian tersebut, berikut risiko, kewajiban dan keterbatasannya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi sebelum merekam suara atau gambar Untuk pengumpulan data harus memperoleh izin tertulis dari partisipan penelitian. Persetujuan tidak diperlukan bila perekaman murni untuk kepentingan observasi alamiah di tempat umum dan diantisipasi tidak akan berimplikasi teridentifikasi atau terancamnya kesejahteraan atau keselamatan partisipan penelitian atau pihak-pihak terkait.
Bila pada suatu penelitian dibutuhkan perekaman tersembunyi, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi melakukan perekaman dengan tetap meminimalkan risiko yang diantisipasi dapat terjadi pada partisipan, dan penjelasan mengenai kepentingan perekaman disampaikan dalam debriefing. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tidak harus meminta persetujuan partisipan penelitian, hanya jika penelitian melibatkan individu secara anonim atau dengan kata lain tidak melibatkan individu secara pribadi dan diasumsikan tidak ada risiko gangguan pada kesejahteraan atau keselamatan, serta bahaya-bahaya lain pada partisipan penelitian atau pihak-pihak terkait.
Penelitian yang tidak harus memerlukan persetujuan partisipan antara lain adalah:. Penjelasan harus diberikan sedini mungkin agar calon partisipan dapat mengambil keputusan yang terbaik untuk terlibat atau tidak dalam penelitian. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memperhatikan peraturan Negara dan standar profesional apabila menggunakan hewan sebagai objek penelitian.
Standar profesional yang dimaksud diantaranya bekerjasama atau berkonsultasi dengan ahli yang kompeten. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah:. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang sedang melakukan penelitian dengan hewan perlu memastikan bahwa semua orang yang terlibat dalam penelitiannya telah menerima petunjuk mengenai metode penelitian, perawatan dan penanganan hewan yang digunakan, sebatas keperluan penelitian, dan sesuai perannya. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menghindari kekeliruan penafsiran serta menyesatkan masyarakat pengguna jasa psikologi.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah :. Ketentuan ini tidak termasuk data yang dipublikasi ulang jika disertai dengan penjelasan yang memadai. Untuk kepentingan ini, sejawat atau profesional lain yang memerlukan data tersebut wajib mengajukan persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya.
Karya cipta yang dimaksud dapat berbentuk penelitian, buku teks, alat tes atau bentuk lainnya harus dihargai dan dalam pemanfaatannya memperhatikan ketentuan perundangan mengenai hak cipta atau hak intelektual yang berlaku. Penyajian sebagian atau keseluruhan elemen substansial dari pekerjaan orang lain tidak dapat diklaim sebagai miliknya, termasuk bila pekerjaan atau sumber data lain itu sesekali disebutkan sebagai sumber. Kepemilikan atas posisi struktural institusional, misalnya kepala bagian atau pemimpin lembaga, tidak membenarkan pencantuman nama yang bersangkutan bila ia memang tidak berkontribusi nyata dalam penelitian atau penulisan.
Mahasiswa atau orang yang dibimbing tetap harus didaftar sebagai pengarang atau anggota tim pengarang bila publikasi tersebut merupakan karyanya.
Artikel yang secara substansial disusun berdasarkan skripsi, tesis dan atau disertasi mahasiswa tetap harus mencantumkan nama mahasiswa tersebut. Psikologi forensik adalah bidang psikologi yang berkaitan dan atau diaplikasikan dalam bidang hukum. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang menjalankan tugas forensik memahami aturan hukum yang berlaku dan implikasinya terhadap peran dan wewenang mereka.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menyadari adanya kemungkinan konflik antara kebutuhan untuk menyampaikan informasi dan pendapat, dengan keharusan mengikuti aturan hukum yang ditetapkan sesuai sistem hukum yang berlaku. Psikolog dan atau ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha menyelesaikan konflik ini dengan menunjukkan komitmen terhadap kode etik dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi konflik ini dalam cara-cara yang dapat diterima.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat melakukan penelitian di bidang forensik secara umum tetapi tidak terkait langsung dengan penanganan kasus di bidang psikologi forensik. Penanganan kasus ini hanya dapat dilakukan oleh psikolog. Praktek Psikologi forensik tersebut meliputi pelaksanaan asesmen, evaluasi psikologis, penegakan diagnosa, konsultasi dan terapi psikologi serta intervensi psikologi lain dan hal-hal lain dalam kaitannya dengan proses hukum misalnya evaluasi psikologis bagi pelaku atau korban kriminal; sebagai saksi ahli; evaluasi kompetensi untuk hak pengasuhan anak; program asesmen, konsultasi dan terapi di lembaga pemasyarakatan, mediasi konflik.
Bila tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh karena keadaan tidak memungkinkan, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan keterbatasan yang ada, serta melakukan langkah-langkah untuk membatasi implikasi dari kesimpulan atau rekomendasi yang dibuatnya.
Bila tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh karena keadaan tidak memungkinkan, Psikolog menjelaskan keterbatasan yang ada, serta melakukan langkah-langkah untuk membatasi implikasi dari kesimpulan atau rekomendasi yang dibuatnya. Bila kemungkinan terjadi konflik antara kebutuhan untuk menyampaikan pendapat dan keharusan mengikuti aturan hukum yang ditetapkan dalam kasus di pengadilan, psikolog berusaha menyelesaikan konflik ini dengan menunjukkan komitmen terhadap Kode Etik dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi konflik dengan cara-cara yang bisa diterima.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus mengindari untukmenjalankan peran majemuk. Bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan kejelasan masing-masing peran harus ditegaskan sejak awal dan tetap berpegang teguh pada azas profesionalitas, obyektivitas serta mencegah dan meminimalkan kesalahpahaman.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan :. Bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan, misalnya sebagai konsultan atau ahli serta menjadi saksi di pengadilan, kejelasan masing-masing peran harus ditegaskan sejak awal bagi Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi, serta pihak-pihak terkait, untuk mempertahankan profesionalitas dan objektivitas, serta mencegah dan meminimalkan kesalahpahaman pihak-pihak lain sehubungan dengan peran majemuknya.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus tetap dapat bersikap profesional dalam memberikan pandangan serta menjaga atau meminimalkan terjadinya konflik antara berbagai pihak. Kurang dipahaminya kode etik tidak dapat menjadi alasan untuk mempertahankan diri ketika melakukan kesalahan atau pelanggaran. Asesmen Psikologi adalah dilaksanakannya prosedur observasi, wawancara, pemberian satu atau seperangkat instrumen atau alat tes yang bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian dan atau pemeriksaan psikologi.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menggunakan teknik asesmen psikologi, wawancara atau observasi, pemberian satu atau seperangkat instrumen tes dengan cara tepat mulai dari proses adaptasi, administrasi, penilaian atau skor, menginterpretasi untuk tujuan yang jelas baik dari sisi kewenangan sesuai dengan taraf jenjang pendidikan dan kompetensi yang disayratkan, penelitian, manfaat dan teknik penggunaan. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan berkaitan dengan proses asesmen adalah :. Instrumen asesmen ditetapkan hanya dapat digunakan sesuai dengan populasi yang diujikan pada saat pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus menjelaskan kekuatan dan kelemahan dari instrumen tersebut serta interpretasinya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tidak mendasarkan keputusan asesmen, intervensi atau saran dari data hasil tes yang sudah kadaluarsa untuk digunakan pada saat sekarang.
Dalam kondisi relatif konstan hasil tes dapat berlaku untuk 2 tahun, namun dalam kondisi atau keperluan khusus harus dilakukan pengetesan kembali. Administrasi asesmen psikologi adalah pedoman prinsip dasar yang harus dipatuhi dalam melakukan proses asesmen psikologi. Termasuk dalam proses asesmen psikologi adalah observasi, wawancara dan pelaksanaan psikodiagnostik. Tes ini dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja non psychologist termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah vocational proficiency test.
Asesmen psikologi perlu dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang memang berkualifikasi, perlu dihindari untuk menggunakan orang atau pekerja yang tidak memiliki kualifikasi memadai. Untuk mencegah asesmen psikologi oleh pihak yang tidak kompeten :. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memperoleh persetujuan untuk melaksanakan asesmen, evaluasi, intervensi atau jasa diagnostik lain sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam standar informed consent , kecuali jika.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam menginterpretasi hasil asesmen psikologi harus mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor dari instrumen yang digunakan, karakteristik peserta asesmen seperti keadaan situasional yang bersangkutan, bahasa dan perbedaan budaya yang mungkin kesemua ini dapat mempengaruhi ketepatan interpretasi sehingga dapat mempengaruhi keputusan.
Data asesmen ini menjadi kewenangan Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang melakukan pemeriksaan. Jika diperlukan data asesmen dapat disampaikan kepada sesama profesi untuk kepentingan melakukan tindak lanjut bagi kesejahteraan individu yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi. Hasil asesmen menjadi kewenangan Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang melakukan pemeriksaan dan hasil dapat disampaikan kepada pengguna jasa.
Hasil ini juga dapat disampaikan kepada sesama profesi, profesi lain atau pihak lain sebagaimana yang ditetapkan oleh hukum. Hal yang harus diperhatikanadalah kemampuan bahasa dan istilah Psikologi yang dipahamipengguna jasa. Oleh karena itu sebelum terapi dilaksanakan, psikolog sebagai terapis perlu mendapatkan persetujuan tertulis Informed Consent dari orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologis, setelah mendapatkan informasi yang perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu.
Hal-hal yang perlu diinformasikan sebelum persetujuan terapi ditandatangani oleh orang yang akan menjalani terapi adalah sebagai berikut:Hal-hal yang perlu diantisipasi tentang terapi adalah:. Ketika Psikolog memberikan jasa terapi pada beberapa orang yang memiliki hubungan keluarga atau pasangan misal : suami istri, significant others , atau orangtua dan anak maka perlu diperhatikan beberapa prinsip dan klarifikasi mengenai hal-hal sbb:. Lihat pasal 19 dan 20 tentang Kerahasiaan.
Ketika Psikolog memberikan jasa praktik psikologi dan terutama terapi pada beberapa orang dalam suatu kelompok, psikolog harus menjelaskan peran dan tanggung jawab semua pihak serta batasan kerahasiaannya. Psikolog saat memutuskan untuk menawarkan atau memberikan jasa kepada orang yang akan menjalani terapi yang sudah pernah mendapatkan terapi dari sejawat psikolog lain, harus mempertimbangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut :.
Psikolog saat menyepakati kontrak terapi dengan orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi sehingga terjadi hubungan profesional yang bersifat terapeutik, maka psikolog tersebut senantiasa berusaha menyiapkan langkah-langkah demi kesejahteraan orang yang menjalani terapi termasuk apabila terjadi hal-hal yang terpaksa mengakibatkan terjadinya penghentian terapi dan atau pengalihan kepada sejawat psikolog lain sebagai rujukan.
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These smart ideas as well acted as a easy way to be certain that other people online have the same dreams much like my personal own to grasp way more pertaining to this matter. In contrast to a bi-directional microphone, the omnidirectional microphone has only one side open to sound pressure. A cardioid or bi-directional microphone will measure the sound with different gain depending on sound waves' inclining angles to the microphone.
Measuring a surround system with a cardioid microphone pointing at the front speaker will measure lower gains for the speakers behind the microphone, preventing the system calibration from being robust. Applying proper calibration to your microphone is crucial to creating a reliable measurement.
Go to "Sound Settings. Click "Properties" and then choose the Advanced tab. Make sure that both checkboxes under "Exclusive Mode" are selected. If visible, uncheck the box under "Enable audio enhancements.
Before you begin calibration of your system, it is important to ensure that your speakers themselves are in a suitable arrangement and position. Below are a few guidelines to follow when determining the physical arrangement of your setup. The basic principle of microphone placement is that any additional measurement improves the correction. However, depending on your room's acoustics and equipment, the benefit from more measurements may diminish faster.
We recommend completing every measurement point in your chosen arrangement. Open the downloaded file and follow the steps in the installer. After installation, make sure your device is connected to the same local network as your computer. Your computer also needs to be connected to the internet for licensing purposes. Unless you specify a different location during installation, the Dirac Processor Plugins will be placed in the following folders:.
If not using Dirac Processor Standalone, skip this section. Make sure that your computer is connected to the internet for licensing purposes. Open the files and follow the installation procedures. Restart your device before continuing. Depending on the host application, it might be under the subheading "Dirac Research. In this case, consult the documentation for your chosen host application for full instructions. Once you have added the DiracLiveProcessor to your host of choice, open it.
Log in to your Dirac account in the sign-in window. Start a gapless audio stream inside your DAW or plugin host by looping an instrument or playing a long track, such as this gapless minute test mp3. It is extremely important that the audio stream is active during the whole calibration process.
Open the Windows Control Panel and select Sound. This opens Windows Sound Settings. The Standalone is not active until the application Dirac Processor Standalone is started, which comes later. Select your default sound device and click Configure. Select the configuration that you want to use. Note: For some sound cards that use ASIO, it is not possible or necessary to select a Multichannel configuration here. Open the Dirac Processor Standalone. Log in to your Dirac account if necessary.
The Processor window will look empty the first time you open it. After Starting Dirac Processor Standalone, the new sound device will be active and selected as the default sound device.
Select the number of channels relevant for your system. The audio pipeline does not take full control of the driver. Instead, it shares system audio resources with other applications. Windows Audio Exclusive Mode dedicates all system audio resources to Dirac Processor Standalone and takes over Windows' audio pipeline.
Low Latency Mode uses the latest available Windows audio interface in a shared mode, but supports low latency. Source When using Windows Audio settings, you will use the Windows Sound Settings panel described above to change channel configuration and sample rate, etc. Select your "normal" sound device as output. Click "Test" to ensure sound playback is functional.
If so, close the Audio Settings window. Play a sound from your media player or web browser to make sure the level meters are moving and that the sound is audible. If you experience dropouts in the sound, experiment with different buffer-sizes.
However, it is not available for some sample rates. In some media players like JRiver, you need to select the output manually. In this case, make sure "Standalone Dirac " is selected. You are now ready to perform a measurement and create your first filters. Start DiracLiveProcessor in Applications. On the first screen that appears after launching the application, you will enter your account details. If you bought a feature from our webstore, you must log into your account in the application to access it.
If you do not have an account, you may create one by clicking "Create or manage your account" on the login screen. If you have not bought any licenses and do not wish to log in, you can press the "Proceed without logging in" button. Make certain your device and the computer are connected to the same network and have full network access. All found devices will be listed. If your device is visible but crossed out, you lack the proper license for using it.
Purchase the proper license from our webstore and try again. If you have trouble with device discovery, see: Troubleshooting: No Devices Found You can also try using the "connect via IP" by pressing at the top of the application and entering the device's IP, which can usually be found inside its firmware or included documentation. Kaspersky on Windows can be particularly problematic. Here is our guide to fixing it: Windows: Problems with Kaspersky.
Once you have selected a device, you will enter the Select recording device page, which starts the calibration procedure. This section describes the function of the common user interface items available during the whole calibration process. The menu is found by pressing the Menu button in the left upper corner. The menu includes some standard user features such as saving and loading projects, application themes, languages, etc.
Supported languages include English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Swedish. After each measurement is taken, the project is auto-saved. The auto-saved project can be found in:. If you get stuck and do not know what to do during the application, you can always press the help button. Pressing the help button will give you the necessary information on how to proceed with your calibration.
For example, the help text for the Select recording device page can be seen below:. Yellow indicates an error. Green indicates that the procedure was successful. Black and blue are general notifications. The sidebar presents general information about the connected device, such as manufacturer, logo, model, and system name.
The filter available on the unit can be seen under "Filters. Note: Depending on your device, changing the configuration may clear the filter list or switch to a configuration-specific filter list.
You should never change device configuration while performing a Room Correction. At the bottom of the page, you will find two buttons for navigating forward or backward in the application. The navigation bar at the top of the page shows where you are in the application.
You may also navigate directly to a page you have visited previously by pressing one of the black circles. After you have selected a device, you will need to select a microphone to record the stimulus, or test tones, played by your device. All microphones connected to your computer and your device will be listed on the "Select Recording Device" page. Select the microphone that you wish to use for measurements—usually the one you connected during setup.
Click the bottom of the microphone's box to load the relevant calibration file. Selecting "No calibration" after clicking the context menu bypasses any compensation to the raw input stream and is not recommended.
Make sure that the microphone calibration file is created for degree measurements. After choosing the calibration microphone and loading a calibration file, you want to proceed to the "Volume Calibration" page by pressing the navigation button in the lower right corner.
Since the filter design algorithm requires that the speakers be measured with a moderate sound pressure level and a noise level as low as possible, it is crucial to do a level calibration of the system before measurement.
The microphone should first be positioned in the center of the listening area. This is the "sweet spot. Remember that volume of the stimulus should never hurt your ears.
There is a lock on the Master output slider for safety reasons. However, if you need to raise the volume into the red zone and are positive that your system can handle it , press the red lock that appears above the slider. You should now be able to drag the slider into the red area. In the "Select Arrangement" view, select the arrangement that best matches the arrangement to be measured. The variations we offer act as a guide to positioning the microphone.
The core difference between the arrangements is the number of measurement points that are allowed. The first measurement should always be taken in the center of the listening region, in the desired sweet spot, as this will be used for aligning levels and delay between speakers.
An arrangement can be chosen from the arrangement menu. In the arrangement menu, the home section has three different arrangements: Tightly focused imaging, Focused imaging, and Wide imaging, which provide 9, 13, and 17 measurement points, respectively. This measurement arrangement represents a well-defined listening area from which the listener rarely moves.
Note: The tighter the measurements are placed, the more extreme the correction. The measurement arrangement represents a listening area with one well-defined listening position that should still accommodate a degree of flexibility.
Thanks Vanatoo. Right to the point, these speakers are really quite nice in a smaller room. The sound is clean, detailed, and has reasonable bass, but to me the key to getting the most out of these speakers is this….. Amazing for the small size! I am particular about my sound and it is such a sonic pleasure to listen to music in my office with these gems.
In fact, that may be overkill and could create unbalanced sound. Also great to have a bluetooth option, simplicity of installation, and numerous options for both hook up and fine tuning bass, treble, etc. Damn satisfied! I did a great deal of research before purchasing and this was my choice.
I have owned some decent desktop speakers but these are clearly the best and a pleasure to use. Owned since Christmas Truth be told, the speakers and sub became overkill for my needs, so in retrospect, I would not have purchased the sub. I opt to keep the sub now that I have it because I do get the added pleasure of getting more highs out of my t0s.
This was my original reason for this purchase. So depending on set up, your sound experience could vary. The resulting combination…Heavenly!!! Listen all day…no fatigue. And, plugged into my TV head phone jack out to the analog in on the Zeros, it sounds great for movies and TV.
No more amp…. No more pre-amp …. No more cd player…. No more squeeze box…. No more cluster of wires….. Not missed Rugged?? Packed in a u haul box, these speakers made a long hike across the ocean on a container ship. The box arriving ,looking like 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. These speakers sound great, especially for their size, and are a pleasure to listen to music through.
As the usual conferences and meetings I had were changed from in-person to virtual, I needed computer speakers that had good intelligibility. The Vanatoo Zeros fit the bill. I had heard them at an audio show a couple of years back and was impressed with their sound for their small size.
I prefer using the Toslink connection. I recommend the Amazon Basics as inexpensive and works well. Sounds good for streaming music, a nice bonus.
I left them at the initial, default settings. Easy to adjust with the remote or manually. Easy to eliminate by leaving them activated all the time, but I decided to save a bit of power and live with it. Another potential annoyance, if in a bedroom, is the bright blue light on the back. Again, adjustable and can turn off, if one wishes. In an office environment, the blue light is a reminder that the speakers are on.
I also bought the matching stands. Using as computer speakers, it turned out to be unnecessary. The handle at the back makes moving them simple. Having the external volume control also on the back of the speaker was initially off putting, then easy to reach by feel after a few uses, also nice aesthetically. The magnetically attached grills are a nice touch.
All, in all, a worthwhile purchase during the pandemic and a pleasant surprise in audio quality in small powered speakers. Overall, they sound extremely good. I doubt you can beat them at this price point. The speakers excel at bass response, big soundstage and clean volume. When I see a passive radiator I assume the bass is going to be muddy but these have a really clean distinctive bass response. The passive radiators mostly seem to enlarge the soundstage explaining why a lot of reviews mention that these speakers sound bigger than they look.
Sound volume is really clean; no clipping when you crank these up. And what a nice feel to the remote. What we got here is a bad case of inappropriate gear, that album was mixed to be played on one of those all-in-one RCA phonograph cabinets. Led Zep? How about a stack of JBLs and maybe an old Kenwood. Try these. My only complaint is that the various adjustments are rather byzantine in their complexity. I am hearing width, depth, articulation, everything.
The T0 gives me gobs of both of those. I had high expectations for these speakers, based on reviews, and those expectations have been surpassed; the speakers are incredible. I have owned studio monitors from some very high end brands and I can genuinely say that these Vanatoo speakers perform better than speakers costing twice as much.
I will be recommending these speakers to everyone I can, because this company really deserves to flourish.
I spent A LOT of time looking for powered speakers to go in my office. I needed a smaller speaker and looked at companies like Kanto and Audioengine before seeing that Vanatoo kept showing up in comments Reddit mostly.
I went with the T0 and have since tested them out at my desk, for my tv, and paired with a turntable. Sound quality aside, you can tell they have put a lot of thought into these with the little things like the remote, magnetic grills, etc. I could not be happier with the Vanatoo t0s.
I would not say I am an audiophile, but to my ears, these speakers sound incredible. Additionally, you can tell that Rick and Gary put a lot of hard work and love into these things. The attention to detail for even the smallest facets of this unit is top notch. These things are easy to set up, versatile, and in my opinion look pretty badass.
If you are in the market for a new set of bookshelf speakers, I highly recommend these. Oh my gosh, how will I get any work done today? Having listened to my internal speakers for the last 4 years, this is an incredible upgrade and experience. I had researched Audio Engine, Edifer, Kanto and other options for active speakers. Reviews on YouTube and in writing were highly positive about the T0s, so I took a chance and placed an order for set sight and sound unseen.
First, I was incredibly surprised when I received an email from one of the company founders thanking me for the order, very impressive, and appreciated. Second, when the shipment arrived the packaging was first rate. A heavy duty exterior brown cardboard box, inside the outer box was a white cardboard box with a carrying handle, and the Vanatoo logo, contents identification and serial number of the contents placed on the outside of the white box.
The power supply and power cord, and two foam vibration dampening pads for under the speakers when placed directly on your desktop finish out the accessories. Under the top foam piece are the speakers, firmly nestled in form fitting cutouts in the foam insert, each speaker was double wrapped, first in a clear plastic bag, then in a thicker white protective bag. The magnetically attached speaker grills are also in this section of the packaging.
The speakers are very solid, surprisingly hefty for the very small size. I used the analog 3. The sound was very full, a surprising amount of bass for such a small speaker, and more volume than I can imagine anyone needing in a near field desktop scenario.
I fired up a Phil Collins concert from the web and the sound was very impressive. Articulation was very good, voices were clear, instruments were full bodied and easily identifiable in the mix. In the near field, with the speakers aimed appropriately at my seating location the center was rock solid, the sound seems to be coming right out of the monitor, not from the speakers to the side of the monitor.
The opening scene of attacking the armored vehicle had a very broad sound field, sirens of approaching police cars were far to the left of the actual speaker, dialog was rock solid in the phantom center channel, reverberation in the space the truck was taken to was all around the desk, extremely good performance for such a small set of speakers.
First impression was very good. This concert has a large number of different, and very unique stringed instruments, and the T0s did an amazing job of delineating the tones and characteristics of each of the different instruments, it was easy to distinguish the individual instruments. All of the various sounds made as I navigated the menus and selected a movie to watch were heard, but as soon as the movie started no sound at all!
I checked that everything was still hooked up, went back to the DVD and had sound, hmmm. After scratching my head a bit, I thought about the audio settings in the AppleTV 4K, I checked and the AppleTV 4K was set to Dolby Atmos, I changed the output format to two channel stereo only and restarted the movie and had full audio moral of this story is that the speakers internal decoder for the bit stream from the TV via the fiber optic cable was unable to make sense of the multichannel feed for the Dolby Atmos mix, which is totally reasonable for what is obviously only a stereo pair of speakers.
I have been thinking about needing a change as I find it difficult at times to hear nuances in the sound track of a complex movie, voices often times buried in the mix, and many times closed captioning indicate that something like a doorbell rang, but I was never hearing it in fact closed captioning is turned on partly due to the difficulty in hearing low volume voices and effects in the mix coming out of the Sonos Playbase.
With the T0s the sound was very intelligible, all the small background sounds were present, doorbells, items dropping on the floor, etc. I never saw a closed caption comment about some background sound that I did not actually hear. Panning sounds from left to right were well placed. The impact of things like bullet shots was well defined.
Again, for no subwoofer at all, and the diminutive size of the speakers the bass was surprising good, certainly not gut busting, wall shaking bass from a full on subwoofer, but very impressive and usable. The room my TV is in is a quite large space, and the listening chairs are about 6 feet away from the TV. The T0s were able to play as loud as we wanted to listen with no sense of stress to be fair we were not listening at lease shattering levels, but at volumes that were more than loud enough, certainly not at THX reference level, but for an average home and circumstance more than loud enough and I never attempted to see what the maximum volume was, it was satisfying loud enough below maximum.
In the setup with my TV there is a loss of the strong center focus, making sounds that clearly were mixed to be center focused appear to be coming from the speaker closest to the listener.
I suspect this is partially due to the speaker being likely intended for use as a near field speaker, rather than a far field speaker, at 6 plus feet from the speaker I was certainly not in a near field situation and again to be fair, my listening location geometry is not optimal for two speakers, especially this small, to try and create a strong phantom center channel.
But what was clear is just how much we are missing with the Sonos Playbase system even having tuned the room with the True Tuning function in the Sonos app. I will certainly need to make a change to the system being used with the TV, the day of using the T0s connected to the TV, even without a strong phantom center channel, killed the Sonos Playbase listening experience. I put the T0s back on my computer desk and have to say I am very impressed.
Add in the remote control, the myriad of input options, the flexibility in mounting and changing the angle of the face of the speaker versus the listening position by moving the plastic handles to the opposite of the speaker and this is an incredible bargain of an active powered speaker system. And clearly, I need to make a change in my primary TV audio setup! Add in that Vanatoo is based in the Seattle, WA area, as am I, and I am very pleased with my decision to purchase these.
All in all, very pleased and I would recommend these to anyone looking for a physically small, but powerful, highly flexible input options and mounting options, and amazingly affordable set of speakers. When buying electornic gear it is quite important to clearly think through what you are trying to accomplish. I currently spend much of the day at home working at a desktop computer.
I listen to classical music almost all the time while working, essentially all of it streamed Idagio, WQXR, Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall , Met Opera On Demand The computer speakers and quite old powered speakers attached throught the headphone port where clearly inadequate. The desk where I am working is in an open area, open but not a great acoustic enviroment. I have a moderately high end home theatre with excellent electronics and speakers in excellent acoustic environment.
However, this is not where I spend my time working and I am not about to try to duplicate this. So, I needed good speakers to sit beside a computer while working. I decided to look for a pair of powered speakers with a built-in DAC. After spending much time on reviews, I choose the Vanatoo Transparent Zero. Great choice for this application. They fit well on the desktop and look great.
Wonderful detailed sound, good base and high end. I have put it through its paces with favorite arias e. Catalani, Ebben? Brahms Intermizzi op. Bach Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor. I was pleased with all. For my application I do not see the need for an additional subwoofer. Overall a great purchase and great value. I was looking for a set of powered speakers for my new computer room and did not want typical low cost and trivial computer speakers.
I was searching to fill my bedroom size computer suite with near audiophile quality sound without high end cost. I searched the net and read and watched many reviews eventually taking the plunge for the Transparency T 0. Of course one takes a risk since watching a review can no way represent the sound live. Unboxing immediately impressed me with the speakers apparent finish quality and how it complimented my computer environment. My computer output supported Toslink optical cable and the whole system was ready in 5 minutes.
My room was filled with extremely pleasing high and mid-range and the surprisingly concise bass from 4 inch aluminum speakers. The amount of low-end they can produce is crazy.
Highs are crisp and vocals are Cristal clear. I have never experienced imaging this good outside of headphones. They get really loud with no distortion. Hello Everyone! I am writing this review because I think you will be hard pressed to find another set of powered monitors that are this good at this price point. I am not going to sit here and spout to you what I think of the treble, mid range, and bass, there are enough people doing that. No, I am here to say that these just sound good.
My previous setup consisted of some giant kenwood tower speakers that I found at goodwill for 50 bucks and an old sansui receiver that a buddy gave me and these blow those out of the water while taking a fraction of the space.
As someone who is normally budget oriented I am so happy I decided to spend just a little bit more and pick up these beauties and I hope you do too. Also… I got these delivered to me about 2 days after I ordered them even during the quarantine in Washington, definitely a big plus!
How can this be? I have often referred to her as my Voodoo doctor, as her methods are mysterious but yet very effective and quite magical. Yes, it is mysteriously effective and magical that these small speakers can be so accurate in bass, midrange, and highs… with sound stage, imaging, and volume that is astonishing. Gentlemen, you have created some kind of Voodoo with the Transparent Zero… and I thank you! Example track evaluations — — America Holiday album, the clarity and sound separation of Hollywood is amazing.
Analog from turntable sounds great. Yes, she is right there in front of me. A re-awakened appreciation of all types of music. Thank you Team Vanatoo. From someone who does his homework before buying, there is absolutely nothing out there that competes with the Vanatoo Transparent Zero, for its size and price point…..
For those of us who are tired of all the audio components, cables, wires, settings, and cost of typical stereo systems, this is as good and simple as it gets. Superb sound and connectivity options at an unbelievable price. I attached a small compact Orb Audio sub that I had and the sound is superb. One viewer mentioned the Niam Mu-So qb2 which is a different product altogether. It is one speaker not intended to put out stereo sound. Think of it as an Apple HomePod on steroids….
In their category, the Transparent Zero and qb2 are excellent sounding, quality products. Keep doing what you are doing Vanatoo and I wish you continued success. I set them right next to one another and configured them in mono — this was my preferred setup. Sounds great! Sounds better than the 3 other wireless speakers I noted in the Title in my application.
Highly recommended. Also using the IsoAcoustics stands which are a must! I have never in my life heard a pair of speakers able to deliver sound like these do in such a small package any where near their price range.
These turned out to be exactly what I was looking for and I could not be any happier. These speakers are small enough to fit perfectly on my computer desk, they are self powered, and they even include their own DAC. These speakers accomplish absolutely everything I wanted in new audio setup and they are worth every penny. Having seen the reviews I was anticipating something decent. It cannot be beat! Buy them, today. Outside of the highs, mids and lows, what stood out was imaging.
I miss nothing about my big O bookshelves speakers. This sound just as good, if not better. Thanks Vanatoo for creating this affordable but awesome sounding product. Keep up the good work, would be awesome if you created a subwoofer as well. I have these on my desk, using them for my computer. I love the sound. These are really really fantastic speakers. I went with the crossover set to about hz, which is about o-clock position, and the gain at about the 10 o-clock position.
The Vanatoos were properly packaged with a nice compliment of cords, and the remote is fine. Very happy with these! Played some flacs on the Transparent Zero speakers, and they are extremely clean sounding, differentiating between instruments very well, and their imaging is also excellent. When this small mighty team up with a 10 inch Speedwoofer from RSL Rogers Sound Lab at the show really impressed me, and I just ordered the same combination and had it all setup within few days.
I can pretty much sum up this speaker like this.. The image is big and wide.. I am still amazed by how this little pair can accomplish this trick. I have tried out many different genres of music, and spent over 3 hours listening to all the details, and articulate kicking thumping bass lines. The speaker came with a 4 inch passive radiator, and the Transparent Zero really shines.
This passive radiator really adds weight and authority to all the percussive sound and I can tell you from my 15 years of playing drums, the bass and drum sound are pretty convincing. This little speaker pair has many inputs connectors for your needs. I went ahead and ordered a subwoofer to go along with them. The speaker box is packaged inside a shipping box, and when I opened the shipping box, I was shocked at how compact the actual speaker box was.
My dream was about to come true! I pressed play expecting immediate gratification. What I got was…meh. What was wrong?! These speakers are…! I was speechless. I wanted to tell all of my friends and family. They HAVE to experience these things. The clarity, the imaging, the sound stage, the bass!
The Bass? I never hooked up the subwoofer! I went through another round of emotions…why did I get this stupid subwoofer? I waited 3 days to hook it up while I considered sending it back. In a moment of weakness…I plugged it in to see what the full system would sound like.
The Vanatoos sensed the subwoofer and a second or two later, they got LOUDER and the subwoofer took over the job of pushing out bass that, like voting for Pedro, made all of my wildest dreams come true. Good luck prying me away from my desk now. Like what? Like hearing the 3-dimensional space of vocalists and instruments.
You wanna hear something fun? When you get them, tweak the levels to your preference then prepare to get pulled into the experience like a tractor beam from the Death Star…Death by Vanatoos? Yes, please! Recently I changed offices and could fit a pair of speakers on my desk, which sent me to find the best value speakers available.
The sound on these blew me away and the connectivity is top notch. If you are looking for a pair of sleek, functional, multifarious, audiophile speakers — look no further. Save yourself the time and energy by making the right choice the first time with these speakers. They put out amazing sound for such a small footprint. Luckily the designers planned for this and there is a dedicated sub-woofer out with the ability to set the crossover on the speakers themselves depending on your listening position and preference.
Thanks Vanatoo for making such a great product! Thank you Jonathan for taking time to give us your feedback. We are happy that you are enjoying your new T0s. We agree that if you want to use your T0s for watching movies and you want to experience that visceral bass line that is sometimes present in movies then the T0s are greatly enhanced by adding a subwoofer.
Enjoy your music and movies. Powered computer speakers are not supposed to sound like the Vanatoo T0 — not even close. Remarkably clear and clean, with layering and imaging both lateral and depth that is uncanny on the desktop. Vocals are spot on, very natural sounding with rock solid placement between the speakers. Musically satisfying in category bending ways. Thank you Paul for the kind comments. While the diminutive size of the T0s do present some limitations, we have made every effort to squeeze every drop of performance from this size speaker.
I could not be any happier with this purchase. The sound of these two speakers is outstanding the sound stage these two speakers create is fantastic.
Thank you Marco for your feedback. When we design our products we make every effort to reproduce the sound stage as accurately as we know how. In that I live in Ireland I had to wait till the power supply would accomodate v.
This was a slight risk as to a possible return. But my faith in this product based on a phone call with the company made me fine with the potential risks. I have had my T0s for a year. They do it all and then some! Thank you Peter for the kind words. We do hope some day to be able to make it easier for our friends outside the US to purchase Vanatoo products. Let me tell you, once they arrived I was blown away by these little guys. The low end these produce is simply mind blowing!! Thank you Brian for your endorsement.
Heck, I guess I like anything that is gold. These T1E speakers are phenomenal and while they were playing at full volume in the living room, I went into the bathroom and experienced the same visceral sensation I would get if I were in a bar bathroom while live music was being played 50 feet away. By the way, in my experience as a repeat customer, dealing with the guys at Vanatoo is always a pleasure, whether I needed technical advice or help when UPS lost my shipment, they did whatever it took to help me out and that is priceless.
Thank you for being a repeat customer, Brian. And keep watch for new product announcements. We are always working on something new. I was looking for a good set of speakers for my office. I checked several reviews of various products and then I found these babies. The bass that these put out for something so small just blows my mind and it is vibrating my desk as I type this review. To Vanatoo, thank you for these speakers and please consider making a surround sound set of speakers as I would love to replace my living room setup with your products.
Thank you for your comments, Curt. You might want to take a look at the Transparent One Encore for your living room needs. I am beyond impressed with these little speakers. I have them on my desk with a powered Velodyne Sub and the sound quality is amazing.